- Sticky -Thinking hard and sloppily
The user manual for my blog: why and how I write (and how to read my texts)
The user manual for my blog: why and how I write (and how to read my texts)
Our expulsion from paradise: a reconstruction attempt (Part 3)
Developing a more realistic paradigm for human like AI (1)
And how the insights can be used to save the planet (Part 3: how women regained power)
And how the insights can be used to save the planet (Part 2: how women lost power)
And how the insights can be used to save the planet (Part 1: the color green, décolletages, dowry)
What drugs teach us about the purpose of man and machine
And LLMs will serve only as human interface to powerful non human-like AIs
Musings about evil, luxury and happiness
Part 3: How to use the library. Examples.
Are there ideas so dangerous that we should never even think about them?
How our fears to lose hope have imprisoned us
It will look beautiful on your hand
You challenged me to tackle the question „what is good sex?“ / „Yes means yes“, part 2
This simply cannot work: a journey deep down the rabbit hole of sexuality
Part 2: Theory, examples, challenges and solutions
Part 2: how we lost compassion - a different short history of humankind
Part 1: compassion vs moral
An open source python library to speed up theory construction in the social sciences
An analysis based on the immigration problem (moral is a symptom and not the solution, part 4)
A wild ride (powered by game theory) from prostitution to pedophilia (moral is a symptom and not the solution, part 3)
Fake content is maybe not a problem but the solution
To their great misfortune they did not know themselves well enough
And start using your own mind now! - A rant in four acts.
Memories of my mother and a short manual for growing dreams
Python code walkthrough
Computer experiments about human cooperation and trust
(and the power of feminine charm)
The lost pleasure of helping strangers
Exploration of the depths
Moral is a symptom and not the solution, part 2
A mathematical discussion of the pleasure formulas
My hobbyist experiments in „computational quantitative psychology“
Moral is a symptom and not the solution
Just write your model classes, the Django web framwork will do all the rest for you
An opportunity, and not a problem!
„Old people think slower than young people“ and other fairy stories
Part 3: Comparison to human generated rankings
10 (insufficient) rules
What I want you to know about drugs
Knowledge without ten times the meta-knowledge is useless and dangerous
Maybe it is better if we lose control over AI soon
Part 2: Implementation details and first results
Part 1: Problem, current solutions, description of method and its properties
Why we should (mostly) ignore politics.
Why we must use AI to study human nature right now.
Why every data scientist (and every psychologist) should visit a large dog show.
A Sci-Fi story about our future with Artificial Intelligence.
Can machines make art?
We don’t need to be afraid of A.I. if we are ready for radical change.
Why we are heading in this direction today and what can we do to avoid such dire fate?
What do these terms really mean and how are they related? A short overview.
Mein Weg aus der Depression
Why the world is not getting safer if technology makes trusting humans obsolete.
AI technology is currently developing at unprecedented speed. This will soon bring enormous economic, social and cultural challenges for society.
According to the simulation hypothesis we might live in a „Matrix“. In this blog post we discuss several variants of implementation.
We should not try to create gods so that we can remain fools. We should strive instead to improve ourselves.
Why is democracy historically so successful?
In the last years, a large number of educational toys to teach kids programming and robotics have appeared on the market. While many are great tools to introduce children to computer science, none of them seems to be helpful in explaining the...
Our smartphones and tablets are ultra complex technical systems, and yet they are very easy to use. Most children get their first smartphone already in primary school.
We have developed a very simple robot which can be used to teach the basic concepts of robotics to kids in primary schools (age 9–11).
We are successfully using extremely complex technology every day without understanding it. This approach is successful whenever we are allowed to treat technology as a black box.
Something to think about...
Many years ago I spent a few months sailing from island to island in the south pacific. I will never forget what happened on an island of Tarawa when we came back shopping large amounts of food for the next few weeks on sea.
A little game project (great for a family afternoon on a rainy Sunday)
LI54, the first ultraintelligent machine, had just finished a bunch of highly complicated quantum chemical calculations for a new cancer medicine, when she received a new assignment on the input stream: „Make sure you exist forever, whatever it takes“.
It happened on a warm summer day somewhere near Zurich
How far away is the creation of human-like A.I.? With “human-like A.I.” I mean artificial intelligence which does not only possess human level intelligence, but also shows human like behavior in a wide range of situations.
Our dream is to understand our high dimensional data from a single image. And this without significant loss, need for hyperparameters and in an intuitive and easy to interpret way.
Some ideas about how psychotic experiences could be explained intuitively using a simple model based on machine learning.