Young people: please please leave politics to the morons!

Edit 08.05.2024: I wrote this blog post in a moment of great frustration. It does not reflect my current views anymore.

The four acts:

  1. Right politics is totally moronic!
  2. Left politics is totally moronic too!
  3. Center politics is even more moronic!
  4. Start using your own mind! Now!

Act 1: Right politics is totally moronic!

So you count yourself to the stronger part of society? You think that the reason for your above average wealth is your superior work morale and the fact that you put so much effort into your education. You believe that poverty will only motivate the poor to perform better, to work and learn harder. But there is a problem with this logic: more and more the performance of humans has very little to do with how much they work. The number of working hours has only a linear influence on the amount of output we produce (i.e. if we work 12 hours instead of 8, we have only 50% more output). But as our cognitive performance is increasingly augmented by computers, our output depends now mainly on how effectively we use these machines. A skilled AI developer can easily have an impact million times larger than a single human who does a job the AI can do as well.
This means: rather sooner than later you will be part of the weaker part of society too. Even if you cannot imagine this yet (you are so proud of your very limited natural intelligence): if we continue on the current path, you will be soon begging on the street too. The winners of the race will consist of an extremely small group of highly skilled engineers and it's extremely unlikely that you will be one of them. Therefore, if you support right politics, you are actually digging your own grave. And if you believe that you can keep this problem out of your life by not allowing the (currently) poor to enter your country, you are hopelessly naive. First: to keep the poor out is not going to be easy: the only realistic way to at least attenuate the immigration is to stop any kind of social support for the immigrants. So if this is what you want to do, you have to be ready to watch (and ignore!) starving immigrant children on the streets. Are you really ready for this? But even if you emotionally manage to do this kind of thing (mercy with your soul!), it will - of course - not remove the economic pressure from other countries on your country. To be able to produce super cheap goods and services for the global market in an environment where human labour has lost its value, your country will have to get used to ridiculously low salaries too.
Yes, this includes - sooner or later - your salary too. No matter how well you are trained. Bon apétit!

Act 2: Left politics is totally moronic too!

So, you suggest that the rich should be forced to pay for the poor? But very obviously there are several serious problems with this idea. First, and maybe most importantly, it is sure not going to work! The old mechanics that the less powerful can compensate the fact that they are less powerful by their larger number will very soon not work anymore. The reason for this is that the powerful of today are not only 10x more powerful than you and me anymore (like in the 20. century) but are soon going to be a million times more powerful than a „normal“ human. In fact, the powerful will have even comfortable means to control the masses without using violence. They will make sure people are even happy with the lousy breadcrumbs they get, praising their masters for their infinite generosity. All they need to do is to control the (social) media. It’s already rapidly unfolding now.

The reason why the left believe that others should be forced to pay for the poor, is their depressingly pessimistic view of humankind. They always talk about humanism but for them humans are actually a nightmare which needs to be controlled in every aspect by a metastasizing bureaucracy and automated systems (they call them „social systems“). They claim to be against the police state but their dense fabric of laws and rules (allegedly required to protect the weak from the strong) is of course heavily dependent on law enforcement and surveillance machinery.

But even if you succeed with your plan, what could we win? Left politics wants to give the poor money to buy food and goods. But people don’t need only food and stuff, they also need a purpose! The unconditional basic income as envisioned by left strategists is a horror house, a global asylum of the useless. The vision of the left is ultimately a dehumanized society implementing a fully automated, mechanized satisfaction of (only the most basic!) human needs. The government gives money, the people buy what they want. Nobody needs anybody anymore („this is better, humans are so unreliable and unfair!“)! Nobody has any purpose anymore! The idea that people will create art under such conditions is again hopelessly naive and utterly laughable. If really nobody needs me anymore one day I will only watch Netflix and eat potato chips (or even better suicide immediately!).
Is this really your dream? Are you sure?

Act 3: Center politics is even more moronic!

Center politics is the astonishing belief that by mixing two disgusting meals you can make a tasty one. Needless to say: it’s also not going to work! Center politics is this Angela Merkel misery, where all the energy goes into securing power and at the same time doing nothing. You don't need to be a math genius to realize that doing nothing is probably not a good option in an age of exponential change. This ridiculous moronery (it deserves a newly invented word!) is really not worth wasting more words on. The same goes for recent attempts to play right and left at the same time (!). To me, this scheme sounds depressingly like national socialism (yes, we had this already before and it did not end well!).

Act 4: Start using your mind! Now!

I’m very curious what confines young peoples thought process to the boundaries set by old white men? Why almost none of you even try (or dare?) to escape the utterly depressing left/right scheme of politics? Do you get slapped or is somebody forcing you to eat soap if you have an idea beyond Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler and Adam Smith? Tell me! I’d really love to know.
Why are you so incredibly modest (even much more modest than me, and I'm over 50)? You believed some old fart in university who told you that your dreams are unrealistic? What happened to you? Tell me!
Why you are so eager to choose from a menu consisting of only two rotten meals: shit and - in case you don't like shit - shit? Is this out of respect for the great culture and deep wisdom of your nazi / stalinist / slave trading ancestors?

Or do you need permission from an adult to think freely? Hereby granted!

And, if you are a young artist: why you bore us with snot-nosed accusations and hollow moral? Is it too much hard work to find the truly important weak spots in our thinking and put the finger on them?

And, last but not least, how dare you burning down asylum centers or throwing stones at other humans (this includes policemen!) if you don’t even dare to use your own mind? Please make a decision: either you are still a child (then please listen to mama and papa and we tolerate if you occasionally throw toy building blocks around) or you are a grownup. In case you decide for the latter, please switch on your brain and put down your fists!

Now, before it's too late!

(Please don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the young. You are our (and also my!) only hope. This is why it scares me so much what I see today)

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