Stop fighting enemies and start solving the big puzzle instead!

Chances are high that you are politically right or left. In this case, this blog post is for you. Let‘s start with a quick look at the results of past US presidential elections:

US presidential election results

(I will use US election results, but the arguments are valid for any democratic country).

There are two observations I find interesting:

  1. Team blue and team red are alternating almost every election
  2. The difference in votes for the two colors is usually small

How can we explain this observations? It is quite obvious that they must be the result of a so called dynamic equilibrium. What does this mean?

  1. Let‘s start with a majority vote for team red. Therefore team red can run the show.
  2. Because the program of team red does not work really well, the number of voters who vote for team blue instead of team red increases.
  3. In the next election, team blue gets the majority of votes. Now they can rule the country.
  4. Because the program of team blue does not work really well, the number of voters who vote for team red instead of team blue increases.
  5. Now we go back to 1. and the whole process repeats.

The important thing to note is: the observed data can be easily explained by assuming that both teams (red and blue) are never able to rule the country well!

This is important. If either of the two teams actually had a working strategy to solve the problems of the country, we would observe a totally different pattern: one color would dominate completely after 1-3 elections. But this never happened.

If both teams are failing again and again, why bother? Actually you should not. Mostly (more on this later). It‘s a terrible waste of time.

Interestingly it is mostly true what the politicians of both the blue and the red team tell you. But these people are still far away from understanding the truth (please study quickly the illustration on the top of this post to understand the difference). They are so obsessed with their true theories, that they have stopped searching for the truth (which, of course, cannot be found in entirety but only as an approximation).

Therefore I suggest we all stop waisting our valuable energy on classic left/right politics. We should start to look further and explore the hidden forces which underly political dynamics. We could - for instance - try to understand human nature. Not only is such an endeavor much more interesting than current politics, it also has much higher chances to succeed in bringing peace and prosperity to humankind.

We need true alternatives to the current political ideologies urgently! We should therefore focus all our energy on finding them soon.

Does this mean that we should stop voting/electing? No, a minimal effort is required (for now) to keep democracy alive. Democracy is imperfect but still infinitely preferable to a dictatorship. All you have to do is this: make sure neither of the colors is getting too strong. If the red ones are dominant, vote for the blue ones and other way round. Anyway the alternating pattern of power will probably yield the best results possible within this limited system.

And in the future use the freed energy, time and money to search for superior alternatives. You can do research, support research or assess proposed solutions. Even discussing proposed solutions with your friends is a valuable contribution. And one day you might be able to vote for a truly superior solution.

Image: © Author 2023 (made with Blender)

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