- Sticky -Thinking hard and sloppily
The user manual for my blog: why and how I write (and how to read my texts)
The user manual for my blog: why and how I write (and how to read my texts)
Part 3: How to use the library. Examples.
Part 2: Theory, examples, challenges and solutions
An open source python library to speed up theory construction in the social sciences
Python code walkthrough
Computer experiments about human cooperation and trust
A mathematical discussion of the pleasure formulas
My hobbyist experiments in „computational quantitative psychology“
Just write your model classes, the Django web framwork will do all the rest for you
AI technology is currently developing at unprecedented speed. This will soon bring enormous economic, social and cultural challenges for society.
In the last years, a large number of educational toys to teach kids programming and robotics have appeared on the market. While many are great tools to introduce children to computer science, none of them seems to be helpful in explaining the...
We have developed a very simple robot which can be used to teach the basic concepts of robotics to kids in primary schools (age 9–11).