
About me

Marco Lardelli (born 1969 in Zurich) is a Swiss entrepreneur, data scientist and trainer. After studying physics at ETH Zurich (Diploma/MSc thesis: part 1, part 2) and the University College Dublin he worked as a self employed web developer, managing director of a leading web agency and founded two startups (web based debating platform and mobile marketing). Since 2009 he is exploring AI / machine learning technologies. He is the founder of Kanohi GmbH which offers a 3D visualization / data mining app, AI trainings for managers and data science services.

Most important:



  • (a free AI course for teenagers and schools. In German)
  • (an experimental website to explore natural language processing AI)
  • (free course about how to use "Large Language Models")
  • (an attempt to save the world. a bit outdated now because the world - so far - refused to be saved. but you will still find some interesting ideas there)

Social Media:

Marco's first robot With first robot (1975)

Foto of me A few years later

Me - animated GIF Animated GIF by GUM

Self portrait Portrait of the author as a fox (made by DALL-E)